Wednesday 21 March 2012

What Equipment We Used.

Whilst producing the opening of Silent Minds there were three main pieces of equipment we used.

  1. Camera 
  2. Garage Band 
  3. Final Cut 
All these pieces of technology were just as important as each other and although there other small pieces that came together to make overall production I feel without these the opening would not even be on the screen and worth watching.
The first was the camera, we used one camera throughout the whole of the filming to ensure that the quality was all the same and the film didn't look tacky or low budget. Even though I was there for the filming (due to external reasons) I was told that there were no complications and as we used our own camera and not the colleges we were able to film in the dark environments that make up the majority of the shots in our opening.
The second piece of software which was crucial to the unsettling environment, that we stove for to ensure our opening followed the conventions of a thriller, was Garage Band.
We used this in two instances, one for the base music which was played at the beginning of the opening however faded when the montage became more twisted. When making this music we used the software at a pretty basic level using the sounds already on the mac and layering them to create a subtle yet uneasy song.
The second way was more complicated. We downloaded a song off youtube which had extremely harsh sounds but with this by itself would be copyright and it was too much for the opening so we modified it on Garage Band. Once the 'music' was on the programme we layered more ambiences and lowered the level sound of the original piece. 
Once both these pieces were on final cut we were shown that alone they were ok but my making the layered sound so much more developed it added a tension that made the opening as a whole so much better.
The final and most important piece of software that we used was Final Cut. This is was made the film a film. It allowed us to enhance the clips so we are able to build as many enigmas as possible and use the clips to the best of their ability, I feel without this although it would be a montage it wouldn't make sense and would ramble leaving the audience confused and bored.
We also used Photoshop very briefly to create the logos which we then decide to leave out as it would look tacky along side the rest of the footage. 

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